About Me

Natalie Kurz

"When I look back on my 30-year career today, there is a common thread running through my life: GROWTH!


I am grateful and proud of this. What began with an apprenticeship in the hotel industry led me into international 5* hotel management. I have lived and worked in 7 countries. Along my career path, I have had the opportunity to meet extraordinary people and implement fantastic projects. 


Growing with challenges, leaving the comfort zone again and again, has made this possible. That's why my inner conviction
is GROW!"

Natalie Kurz

As long as you don't stop climbing, the steps won't stop, they will grow upwards under your rising feet.

Franz Kafka

My expertise in figures

In years
Leadership, strategy & fundraising in the hotel, tourism and event industry
In years
multi-cultural teams
Project lead
Number projects
planned and implemented (including hotels, companies and start-ups)
MICE* events
Number of events
marketed, organised and managed
Experience abroad
Number countries
lived and worked in

*Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Events

What sets me apart

Combination of:

Strategic thinking and acting as an entrepreneur with passion

Pronounced empathy and a high affinity for numbers

Big picture view + attention to detail

Natalie Kurz


I am looking forward to get in touch with you!

Natalie Kurz